Protect Your Business In Remote Work Environments

Times are changing. There is no way for us, as entrepreneurial business owners, not to acknowledge the marketplace has changed. As entrepreneurs, most of us are not lacking in drive and are endeavoring to find new solutions that allow us to both stay safe during this pandemic and still drive business to our companies. 

We understand your challenges and the challenges your business may be facing. We also know just how important it is for you to keep the momentum going for your business, as well as for yourself. None of us want for a change like this to impact our business growth.  None of us want to think about a point where we would be forced to shut down. This is just one of reasons why we need to come together and find ways to evolve and thrive in this new marketplace.

Changing your business ecosystem, however, is not without its concerns. You need to ensure that you have the tools on hand that can help you operate during this time. Whether it is new phone solutions, wi-fi solutions, or teleconferencing tools, you need to have what you need available to be able to run your business at the most successful level. 

We cannot, however, stop there. You also need to think about how to protect your business. Your intellectual property is valuable and without the right protections put in place, you could be at risk. Let us share a few solutions for you here that may give you ideas on how your business can adapt to issues we face such as the stay at home orders and other changes in your local community. 

1. Set a schedule. It can be hard to find your schedule and routine when you cannot physically go into the office every day. There are even challenges for those who are used to working at home, with the added need to care for children and, perhaps, having a spouse who usually goes into work, now at home as well. Protecting your business starts with protecting the most valuable asset: you. Set a schedule of what you need to accomplish each day. Have this prioritize your day so that you can know what you need to do each day for your clients, your business overall, and yourself. 

2. Use teleconference options, safely. Teleconferencing is everywhere now. Platforms that were previously considered hard to use or difficult to master, are now becoming the norm for almost every type of business. Whether you were looking at options from Google or Microsoft or another platform entirely, there is much to choose from. There are concerns, however. Simply because a video conferencing option is available does not necessarily mean it is safe. Do your research and know what platforms you can use that keep you and your intellectual property the most protected.

3. Tighten up security. As we mentioned above, with there being more and more options for remote work, now is the time to focus your energy on learning more about how the third-party vendors you work with operate. Here are just a few of the questions to consider: Can the third-party provider “drop in” on your meetings? Can the third-party make a recording of what you were talking about without you knowing about it? Is the third-party vendor’s security up-to-date? In many circumstances, you may find the answers leave you feeling vulnerable and need to choose a different solution. You may also want to consider investing in a solution such as a virtual private network (VPN) which you can turn on and off at will and can also add an extra level of security to  the platforms that you are now using.

4. Be more flexible with your schedule. Most Americans’ schedules have been dramatically altered. While this can be viewed as both a negative and positive event, this is a time when you should consider going above and beyond to meet your clients needs. For many, this may mean meeting with clients outside of regular business hours. While you may not want to do this, there may be strong reasons to be more flexible with your schedule in order to both help your clients and ensure business continues to be as steady as it can be during these uncertain times.

We know this article may raise more questions than answers. Know that we are a resource for you. We understand this landscape, perhaps better than most, just by the nature of how we do business. Do not hesitate to contact us and let us help you navigate this challenge as we get through this together.

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